October Remodeler of the Month: Communication is Key

With more than four decades of experience in the remodeling industry, Emerson J. Clauss III, a remodeler from Whitinsville, Mass., has seen significant changes among his clientele over the years: Customers are “much more demanding and better informed,” he says, which is why communication has been the key to his success.

“Before the sale, setting expectations is critical. During the work, constant communication is a must. And then, to close and follow up, calling, emailing or just sending a note in the mail is important to ensure the client is happy with the quality of work,” Clauss says. “This last strategy has brought us so much new business — it’s a no-brainer.”

Such efforts in his remodeling business, Allegiance Construction & Development LLC, led Clauss to win NAHB’s October Remodeler of the Month award.

Although Clauss originally lived and worked in Florida and has since moved to Boston, in both locations, he’s been an active member of his local and state home builders associations — to which he also attributes much of his success.

“I have learned a lot of what the associations have to offer, but more importantly — from the liaisons with our members — I’ve benefited from and enjoyed sharing information, trade ‘secrets’ and just the overall comradery.”

Read the full Q&A in Qualified Remodeler magazine for more details about Clauss’s business strategy.

Know a professional remodeler who takes remodeling to the next level? Nominate him or her for NAHB Remodeler of the Month.